Unison Choir Orchestra: music as meditation
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." - Buckminster Fuller
An offshoot of the Long Tone Choir, the Unison Choir Orchestra is a group of singers and instrumentalists who meet monthly to play one pitch together for a full hour. This is music as meditation, as peace activism, and as a means of coming together in a radical act of agreement in which we tune ourselves to a co-created center that holds us all within it.We use simple scores to give an arc to our practice. Here's a sample of the Long Tone Choir engaging in this practice.
Interested in joining us?
Both singers and instrumentalists are welcome. However, the instruments used must be acoustic in order to maintain an equality in which everyone present attends to the limitations of their body. Instruments must also be micro-tunable while playing sustained notes, such as those driven by breath (winds and brass) and un-fretted string instruments played with a bow.
Where and when:
Monthly meetings begin Saturday, March 29th, time and place to be determined. If you have access to a space we could use, please get in touch. Regular meeting times to be determined.
If a space is donated, this will be a free event, but donations will be gratefully accepted.
"...how something and nothing are not opposed to each other but need each other to keep on going." - John Cage
"Do everything with a mind that lets go." – Luang Por Chah