Luminous Artists & ideas:
"Give me the ninety-two elements and I'll give you a universe... Imagine, if you will, a chemical storeroom stocked with the ninety-two elements. Pop the corks, open the valves, tip over the boxes and canisters. Watch what happens." - Chet Raymo
Pilgrim at Tinker Creek by Annie Dillard
Trickster Makes this World by Lewis Hyde
The Soundscape & the Tuning of the World by R.M. Schaffer
Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind by Shunryu Suzuki
A Soprano on her Head by Eloise Ristad
First You Build a Cloud by K.C. Cole
A Choreographer's Handbook by Jonathan Burrows
For the Love of the World by Ajahn Amaro
Composition in Retrospect by John Cage
Spell of the Sensuous by David Abram
OBSERVING Wuwei: the Tao Te Ching trans. by Liu Ming
Jessika Kenney, singer & composer
Suki O'Kane, percussionist, durational performer Edward Schocker, composer & musician
Rachael Cleveland, choreographer
Keith Evans, projection and video artist
Julia Ogrydziak, violinist & arts organizer
Maw Shein Win, poet
Artists who inspire:
Stephanie Pierce, oil paintings
Zoe Poster, graphite on paper
Molly Magai, oil paintings
Lori Goldston, cellist & composer