Curriculim Vitae
"We now know there is, in principle, no permanence in substance; it is mere bottled energy." - Sir James Jeans
Director/composer of the Long Tone Choir, 2013–2020
Collaborations with Thingamajigs Performance Group, Bay Area, 2017–current
Singer in Balsamic music and dance improvisation ensemble: 2019–current
phantom phone booth, track on Late Night Phone Call, Edgetone Records, 2024
match cut (with Suki O'Kane), track on Ball of Wax #69, 2023
time unties itself, track on Ball of Wax #62, 2020
Composed and performed live music for dance, residency, and showing at Berkeley Ballet Theater: August 2019
Composed and recorded music for choreographer, Rachael Sharkland at SafeHouse Arts, SF: May 2019
Composed and recorded music for ReadyMaids, performed at Drove IV, Joe Goode Annex, SF - May 2018
Singer in the Cornelius Cardew Choir, Bay Area, 2014–2019
elemental partita: water, track on Ball of Wax #44, 2016
Wrote & composed 3 songs, a lyric essay, performed as a spoken & sung duet with vocalist, Jessika Kenney as part of the Furnace reading series at Hollow Earth Radio, Seattle, WA: 2013
Composer, director & lead singer for the vocal trio, ensemble obtuse, Olympia, WA: 2009-2010
Commissioned to compose “The Fool King’s Secret,” a ten-part choral piece for The Evergreen Singers, Olympia, WA: 2009
Founded, composed, directed & sang lead in Evergreen Experimental Choir, Olympia, WA: 2009
Composer, director & lead in the accordion duo, 1-2, 1-2-3-4 Olympia, WA: 2007-08
Performed original works as a one-lady band, Pacific Northwest: 2002-07
Puppeteer & accordionist in the acoustic noise & performance duo, Lutin, Lutine with violinist, Michael Griffin, Pacific Northwest: 2002-2005
Accordionist, vocalist & percussionist in the acoustic folk punk duo, The Buggery Skullduggeries with guitarist & singer, Reid Hoffman, Philadelphia, PA & West Coast: 2001-2003
Toured on the Mississippi River in a canoe in the electro-acoustic noise duo, Canoe Death, Minneapolis, MN - Memphis, TN: 1998
In Print
floating bones, a hybrid book of poetry, drawings, and an essay (First Matter Press, 2023)
The Cantigee Oracle, an ecological spiritual guide and creative prompt deck and book (North Atlantic Books, 2022)
Review of Karla Brundage's Blood Lies: Race Trait(or) in Barrelhouse
Poems online and in print in various journals: 2019–current
Cover illustration of Wilderness Lessons by J.M. Miller, FutureCycle Press: 2016
Illustration in The James Franco Review: February 2015
Illustration in Thought Notebook Journal: Issue 2: 2013
Zine: evanescing, Love Bunni Press: 2012
Zine: toolkit, Love Bunni Press: 2010
Zine: monsters & nonsenses, Love Bunni Press: 2007
<> Review of floating bones
<> Review of The Cantigee Oracle
Awards, Grants, & Commissions
2024 Redline Redefined commissioned artist
William Winden Achievement in the Arts Award: 2009
Mark Blakley Memorial Award: 2007
Scholastic Achievement Award: 2006
Qigong (Wild Goose, Wuxigong, etc.) teacher: 2018–current
Butoh walking/moving in Time is Moving Sideways from sunrise to sunset with Suki O'Kane in Artists' Television Access's window gallery installation series, Almost Public/Semi Exposed: 12/28/23
10,000 winds - a durational movement and voice meditation at CSUEB: March 2019
Butoh walking/crawling in Vexations Variations from sunrise to sunset with Suki O'Kane in Artists' Television Access' window installation series (12 hours) : November 2017
from here - (video sample, showing my choreography and movement at 2:00 - 2:30) - a collaborative movement performance directed by Rachael Cleveland and Anna Muselmann at ProArts Gallery, Oakland, CA: April 2017
Qigong classes and private lessons: 2019–current
Voice coaching, traditional & extended vocal techniques, with and without movement components to individuals & groups, nationally: 2013–current
Qigong teacher at Yoga Kula, Berkeley, CA: 2019–2022
Yoga teacher at Yoga Kula, Berkeley, CA: 2020–2022
Guest teacher for the Music & Consciousness class at The Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA: 2014
Music literacy, traditional & extended vocal techniques to individuals & groups, Olympia, WA: 2008-09
Accordion lessons to adults & teens, Philadelphia PA, Vancouver, BC, Seattle & Olympia, WA: 2002-07
Drawing & painting to juvenile delinquents in the Urban Artscapes program, Philadelphia, PA: 2001-02
Long Tone Choir
10,000 winds - a durational movement and voice meditation at CSUEB: March 2019
orbes aquam at Shapeshifters Cinema with live projection by Kieth Evans: April 2019
orbes aquam at Art Ark Gallery: February 2019
autumn performance installation at The Center for New Music, SF, CA: November 2018
spring performance installation at The Center for New Music, SF, CA: April 2018
summer 1: insects performance installation at The Center for New Music, SF, CA: July 2017
winter performance installation at The Center for New Music, SF, CA: January 2017
14-hour performance installation with poet, Stephen Ratcliffe, dancer Shinichi Iova-Koga, Noh actor Jubilith Moore, and the Thingamajigs Performance Group - see Continuum blog post or - brief video of Continuum - on Mare Island, CA as part of the 19th Annual Music for People and Thingamajigs Festival: October 2016
Performed at the Rotunda in Philadelphia, PA: April 2016
Performed at Spite House in Seattle, WA: January 2016
Durational Work
Butoh walking/moving and percussion/singing in Time is Moving Sideways from sunrise to sunset with Suki O'Kane in Artists' Television Access's window gallery installation series, Almost Public/Semi Exposed: 12/28/23
10,000 winds (4 hours, performed twice) at CSUEB: March 2019
Performed Vexations Variations from sunrise to sunset with Suki O'Kane in Artists' Television Access' window installation series (12 hours) : November 2017
summer 1: insects Long Tone Choir performance installation at The Center for New Music, SF, CA (2 hours) : July 2017
winter Long Tone Choir performance installation at The Center for New Music, SF, CA (2 hours) : January 2017
performance installation with poet, Stephen Ratcliffe, dancer Shinichi Iova-Koga, Noh actor Jubilith Moore, and the Thingamajigs Performance Group - see Continuum blog post or - brief video of Continuum - on Mare Island, CA as part of the 19th Annual Music for People and Thingamajigs Festival (14 hours) : October 2016
Art Shows
Ludus Sanctus with artist, Tobi Nussbaum at Bootyland, Seattle, WA: 2012
Windows, Butternut Gallery, Montrose, PA: 2011
Water, Butternut Gallery, Montrose, PA: 2009
Treading Lightly, One Foot at a Time, at Waterfall Arts, Belfast ME: 2008
Music, Butternut Gallery, Montrose, PA: 2008
Created puppets and fable style puppet plays, & performed them solo with pre-recorded and live original music in Philadelphia, PA, & in Seattle & Pt. Townsend, WA: 1998-2003
Played accordion & acted in the puppet troupe, Twitchy Puppets, Philadelphia, PA: 2001-2002
Volunteer at Seward Park Audubon, Seattle, WA: 2013
Volunteer gardener in the Japanese Garden of the Washington Park Arboretum, Seattle, WA: 2003
Plant care at Morris Arboretum, Philadelphia, PA: 2001-2002
Hiked the Appalachian Trail (Maine south through Massachusetts): 2000
Apprenticed as an organic gardener at Darthea Farm, Gouldsboro, ME: 2000
Apprenticed as a seaweed harvester at Maine Seaweed Company, Gouldsboro, ME: 2000
Education & Training
UC Berkeley Extension, Professional Sequence in Copy Editing: 2024–current
Viola technique with Shira Kammen: 2018–2020
Qigong studies with Dr. Bingkun Hu: 2018–2020
200 hour Anusara Yoga Teacher Training, Yoga Kula, Berkeley, CA: 2019–2020
50 hour Yin Yoga Teacher Training, Pranamaya: 2019-2020
BA from The Evergreen State College, major in experimental vocal composition, direction & performance: 2006–2010
Ear training with Stephen Fandrich: 2009–2010
Butoh studies with Doranne Crable, Olympia WA: 2006–2007
Private apprenticeship with shaman, Char Sundust: 2002–2006
Flute technique with Linda Miller: 1987–1992
Classical piano technique & music theory with Birute Smetona: 1980–1993
"Time is no longer a hindrance, but the means of making actual what is potential." - The I Ching