Speed. For most of us, that word implies fast motion. It also describes rate of motion. This month, the speed of life will feel like a...

Coming and Going
Here's your riddle for the month: Are you coming, or are you going? When you leave your home to go to a park, are you leaving your house,...

Heart in Suspension
It's time to put the question, "what do you love?" under a microscope. Make no assumptions about what you'll find on the glass slide....

Bone Consciousness
I offer you four interpretations of the term, bone consciousness: 1. An awareness that lives in your bones. It is ancient, deep, wise, a...

Flying in Darkness
I will always remember waking up to a lead blanket of collective dread the day after 2016's election. I was at a cousin's house in...

The veil is always thin
When the center of our solar system appears to travel through the sign of Scorpio, we do well to look beyond the appearances of things, to d

One plus one is more than two
I have two metaphors for you this month. 1, The riddle of juxtaposition: Two colors, when put next to each other, strike us differently...

Ideal and Real fall in love
When two beings fall in love, there is a tightrope alchemy of unsung support that enables that otherworldly whirl of emotion and magic:...

Get out and play
I know you just started reading, but I suggest you stop reading for a moment, and quickly make a list of all the things that suck you in:...

Into the Construction Phase
Here's what I do when I'm about to start a big project: First, I clear everything else out of the way, including the dirty dishes, the...